For Fun Culture & Creativity Inc. is enthusiastic about illustration, design, and arts. 



博方文創的 logo 是以公司英文名字首的「F」為設計發想,大寫「F」與手掌結合,代表人類的偉大創造都是從手開始的,以充滿童趣的 “手影遊戲" 為畫面主體,加入了代表希望的氣球,色彩繽紛歡樂,一起組成博方文創的企業識別 logo,並以此為出發點發展各方面的應用。希望能讓世人感受到博方文創的熱情與獨特信念。

For Fun Culture & Creativity Inc.

For Fun Culture & Creativity Inc. is enthusiastic about illustration, design, and arts. It builds a platform for Taiwanese designers and artists to send out their love and energy to the world.

The corporate logo was designed by adopting the first letter of the company name “F," and it is combined with the palm, meaning that human’s hands always create his great work. The logo also shows hand shadow puppets to depict a world with full of child fun. The hand shadow is the main theme which goes with balloons that represent “Hope." The colorful logo presents the company’s mission that is to show Faith, Uniqueness and Passion to the world.

For Fun Culture & Creativity Inc.

はイラスト、デザイン、芸術への強い活力と熱意をもって、台湾のデザイナーやアーティストを橋渡しし、台湾の熱意と愛を世界に伝えます。For Fun Creativeがイメージライセンス、製品開発、広告写真、広告イラスト、ビジュアルデザインの運営を行っています。 「癒しの妖精-紅(べに)ちゃん」は多くの国際ブランドと連携、マーケティング活動や商品の開発を通じて、企業と顧客の絆を深めます。

我們的服務 / Our Service

插畫經紀 | 插畫/角色授權、行銷活動授權、授權商品
Illustration Agency| Image/ Character Licensing、Marketing Licensing、Licensing Product

視覺設計 | 廣告插畫、商業攝影、企業與品牌代言角色
Visual Design | Advertising illustration , Commercial Photography, Corporate and Brand’s Character Design

成功案例 / Success Stories / ライセンシング

業務聯絡 / Contact / 連絡先

博方文創事業有限公司 For Fun Culture and Creativity Inc.
T +886-2-29205555 | F +886-2-29205555

業務經理 吳思寧
Amanda Wu Sales Manager
專案經理 陳薏嫈
Tammy Chen Project Manager